About Joyce
About Robin

Joyce Afi Agyare


Place of birth?
Roeselare, Belgium

Favorite Color?
Reddish and Blue

Biggest Fear?
There is so much I want to do in my life. My biggest fear is to die at young age.

Biggest Joy?
Seeing my Joyce back after a while.

What profession would you like to attempt?
F1 or DTM (Deutsche Tourenwagen Masters) Race Pilot or teacher. Haha, big difference.

Favorite Movies?
Taxi, Ronin, Gladiator, The Italian Job, Herbie... If you get the picture, most of my movies are 'Car movies'. But I like movies with a story in it, they don't necessarily have to be based on real events.

What music do you listen to?
Now I'm listening to Nicole C. Mullen with the song 'Black, white and tan'. Christian music is good and I listen often to it. My favorite music is something with a beat in it. Dance, trance, hip hop, rock...

If you could invite anyone in the world to a dinner party (dead or living) who would you have come?
Ferdinand Porsche, Jesus, my grandfather and a friend Jérôme. 4 Different kind of people, but they all changed a part of my life. All of them wanted to give the world around them a better feeling. They wanted everybody to be happy and glad.

What would you eat?
No fast-food, that's for sure. I think there would be French fries and steak or a good Asian dish.

Who are your heroes in real life?
Except Jesus I would say Jérôme. He showed me a different kind of living. My dad, because of him I can do so many things. My mom and her way of loving people. And Joyce is my biggest hero.

What was a fun moment?
For my birthday a few years ago I could go to a special driving school to learn how to break in the rain, how to avoid obstacles... it was fun because my instructor was a rally driver, so we let go of the 'original plan' and he taught me some things about drifting. Not that I remember a lot now.

What really excites you?
Going on holidays, going to camp... whatever, just going somewhere

What sound do you love?
The sound of criquets and cicadas on a warm summer day together with the sunset.

What sound do you hate?
A small motorcycle. It's worse than a mosquito.

What are your 5 most important hobbies?
Working on my computer, being with my friends, walking in nature, driving cars, enjoying the things God made for us.

What keeps you up at night?
The plans for a new camp building are being made, but there is no vision for the future in it. Because there is not enough money to see it bigger, it's been seen small. This is something that keeps me awake sometimes.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
In wintertime, when it is snowing outside, sitting in front of the fireplace with the one you love. Looking at the christmastree and its twinkling lights. Dringing a nice glass of wine and telling stories to your kids.

What is your greatest extravagance?
My long black winter coat. I really like it but it looks fun I think.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Having my perfect happiness and my BMW.

What is your most treasured possession?
This one I can answer very short ... Joyce

Favorite Writers?
C.S.Lewis is a very good writer and besides his books I don't have many other. I have a lot of books, but I mean normal reading books and not schoolbooks.

What is your motto?
"Freude am fahren"

Where are you in 10 years from now?
I have no idea and I don't want to say it. I don't know what God's plans are with me. I'll go where He wants me to go, and this can be everywhere.